  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    LLM 12 months full-time, 24 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

Concentrate on the study of human rights law and policy in its social, political and philosophical context on this exciting LLM Human Rights degree.

This course responds to the needs of students seeking an LLM Human Rights course, equipping you with both doctrinal knowledge and a sophisticated theoretical understanding of human rights. The LLM also encourages critical reflection on how to best promote human rights in practice.

A wide choice of modules are offered not only by the School of Law, but by a number of other Schools and Departments including the Graduate Institute of Political and International Studies and the ICMA Centre, part of the renowned Henley Business School.

Entry Requirements

Normally a good undergraduate honours degree (2.1 or above), or equivalent from a university outside the UK. Our students come with a variety of relevant legal and non-legal experience and all applicants are considered on individual merit.

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For fees and funding options please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

Masters scholarships available please visit website for details

Student Destinations

The skills gained by undertaking a postgraduate law degree are in great demand from both legal and non-legal employers. LLM Human Rights Law will be an asset for students seeking employment in domestic and international human rights organisations, United Nations agencies, legal practice and international advocacy in the human rights field, international courts and tribunals, human rights NGOs, the public service (in the areas of social welfare, immigration, foreign relations, humanitarian aid, international development, etc), law reform agencies, the media (journalism and broadcasting), security, academia (with further postgraduate study) and business (in such fields as human resource management and corporate social responsibility).

Module Details

Sample modules:

  • Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice
  • International Refugee Law
  • Law of Armed Conflict
  • The Use of Military Force

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