
PG Cert Leadership and Management in Social Work and Social Care

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PgCert: 1-2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This course reflects the current important emphasis on strong leadership in the context of major reforms in the public sector. Building on earlier professional experience and qualifications, students will have the opportunity to evidence their training and learning and contribute towards their Continuing Professional Development (e.g. for qualified social workers the course will provide evidence towards the HCPC requirements for Standards of CPD).

Entry Requirements

There is a standard benchmark of a first degree at 2.2 or above in a relevant subject, but non-standard entrants with suitable experience in social care and evidence of recent study will be considered.

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Module Details

You are to complete 3 modules, consisting of 2 core modules and 1 optional module.

Core module 1: SW4707 Leadership for Innovation and Integration (20 credits)
Core module 2: SW4704 Leading and Inspiring Through Professional Supervision (20 credits)

Optional modules:

SW4712 Responding to Contemporary Issues in Social Work and Social Care
SW4717 Inclusion and Community
SW4721 Social Pedagogy: theories and practice
MD4061 Management Coaching Skills

Certain modules within this course may have DBS clearance requirements.



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