  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months by online learning

Masters Degree Description

This course is designed specifically for graduates with both a qualifying law degree and a Diploma in Legal Practice/Professional Legal Practice. It operates as a research based ‘top-up’ for Diploma graduates. It allows graduates of the Diploma to build on their previous study and focus on a particular area of law and legal practice by way of an extended, 20,000 word dissertation.

The aim of this course is to offer suitably qualified graduates the opportunity to gain enhanced legal research skills as well as to engage in in-depth study of your chosen area of interest. Whether you have already commenced your legal career and want to undertake a research project on something relevant to your professional practice, or you are just starting out in your career and want to undertake research in a particular area with a view to developing your understanding and enhancing your employment prospects, this course will provide you with the skills and relevant supervision to write a Masters’ level dissertation. This will allow you to demonstrate distinctiveness over others by enhancing your skill-set and knowledge of your chosen area of study.

Entry Requirements

First- or upper second-class LLB Honours degree and a qualifying Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice/Professional Legal Practice from a Scottish university. Your Diploma will normally have been obtained in the last five years. Older qualifications are not a bar to entry but will instead be reviewed on a case by case basis.


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