This part-time Masters award offers you a career-enhancing and attractive way of supporting and accrediting your Continuous Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) in Education. The emphasis is on flexibility, collegiality, collaboration, with a focus on practice and a critical approach to professionalism, underpinned by applied research. The MEd uses a suite of modules delivered across 3 semesters, at the UCLan campus in Preston and in selected partner colleges. It is linked to a range of professional development awards providing flexible access and progression. You choose modules to complement your professional needs, culminating in an applied project for the MEd.
First degree or equivalent professional qualification plus related work experience.
Graduates from the award have gone on to become Directors and champions of Teaching and Learning, achieve promotions, to complete professional doctorates and have made significant impact on their careers in HE, Lifelong learning settings and as managers within Schools.
Select 2 research methods modules, plus 4 options and compulsory Masters project.
Modules contributing to the PGDiploma and Masters in Professional Practice in Education include: