
MSc Project and Enterprise Management

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc Full-time: 1 year, Part-time: 2 years, Flexible: 2-5 years

Masters Degree Description

This programme equips students with an advanced theoretical and practical understanding of the organisation, management and economics of construction projects and enterprises in the built environment.

The Project and Enterprise Management MSc aims to equip students with an advanced understanding of management principles related to the organisation, management and economics of construction projects and enterprises within the built environment. Emphasising the roles projects and enterprises play in construction and infrastructure, the programme provides a comprehensive appreciation of how projects should be defined, developed, and delivered within their wider context.

This programme is ideal for students with experience or a degree in the built environment, as well as those considering a career in this field. Relevant disciplines include engineering, architecture, surveying, construction management, urban planning and design, economics, finance, and sustainability-related topics.

As a programme primarily oriented towards the social sciences, it also welcomes students with degrees or experience in fields such as geography, business studies, and philosophy who aspire to apply their knowledge within the built environment context.

Entry Requirements

The normal minimum qualifications are a lower second-class Bachelor’s degree from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard.

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Programme Funding

UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.

Student Destinations

Graduate career options are varied. Students are expected to go on to work in many related areas: public sector infrastructure, construction, engineering and design enterprises, professional consultants and commercial research organisations, and client enterprises with significant project portfolios such as large manufacturing, transport, financial, electrical, gas, water, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, defence enterprises as well as government departments and agencies. A number of students use the MSc as a foundation for MPhil/PhD research.

Module Details

Compulsory modules

  • The Economics of Construction: Economics, Sectors and Industries
  • School of Construction and Project Management Dissertation
  • Organisation and Management of Construction Projects
  • Owner-Based Management of Projects
  • The Management of Construction Enterprises
  • Project Planning and Control
  • Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Optional modules

  • Economics of Appraisal of Construction Projects
  • Measuring Economic Activity in Construction
  • Organisations and People in Projects
  • Managing Construction
  • Social Networks in Project and Enterprise Organisations
  • System Integration and Building Information Management
  • Data Analytics for Project Managers
  • The Economics of Speculative Construction Development
  • Infrastructure and Economic Growth
  • Environmental Sustainability in the Construction Sector
  • VM and the Management of Value (VMMoV)
  • Strategic Financial Management of Construction and Infrastructure Projects
  • Input-Output Analysis and Its Applications

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