Dudley Stamp Memorial Fund

  • DeadlineDeadline: 23rd November each year
  • All East Midlands, EnglandAll East Midlands, England


Lawrence Dudley Stamp (1898-1966) was an internationally renowned British geographer who served as President of both the Royal Geographical Society and the Institute of British Geographers. His Land Utilisation Survey of Great Britain in the 1930s and 1940s, a modern Domesday Book, sought to classify land use in Britain, and was undertaken with the help of enthusiastic teachers and school children who carried out much of the survey work.

Dudley Stamp worked to popularise the discipline of geography, and played a key role in promoting the teaching of the subject in schools. He travelled widely, assisting in the setting up of numerous land use surveys, while his reputation drew postgraduates from around the world to work on his projects.

The Dudley Stamp Memorial Award was established in 1967 to enable geographers in the early stages of their careers to travel in support of their research. In 2016 the Dudley Stamp Memorial Fund became a linked charity of the RGS-IBG.

Preference will be given to research that leads to the advancement of geography and to international co-operation in the study of the subject.

Applications are particularly welcome for projects which will strengthen links between geographers in the United Kingdom and those overseas.

Grants of £500 to £2,000 for postgraduate students to undertake fieldwork

The Dudley Stamp Memorial Award is given through the RGS-IBG Postgraduate Research Awards scheme. All prospective grant applicants are encouraged to read our Advice and Resources pages, which include more information about the grants programme, its conditions, how to apply for a grant and what is expected if your application is successful. Please read this information carefully and send your application, or any enquiries, by email to grants@rgs.org.

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