
NERC Industrial CASE Studentships

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ERC studentships can be delivered in collaboration with non-academic partners from the private, public and third/civil sectors; where studentships are delivered in collaboration they are referred to as ‘CASE studentships’. CASE studentships provide the PhD students with enhanced training opportunities by ensuring they spend between three and eighteen months in total with their CASE partner in a workplace outside the academic environment.

CASE studentships provide outstanding students with access to training, facilities and expertise not available in an academic setting alone. The CASE partners benefit from self-motivated, highly capable PhD students undertaking cutting-edge research relevant to their organisation’s priorities and objectives. Both parties are also able to build and strengthen business and research collaborations. CASE studentship projects must provide sound training in research methods, and a stimulating intellectual challenge for the student. The work’s impetus and initial requirement should originate from the CASE partner. Both the research organisation and the CASE partner nominate supervisors responsible for overseeing the student’s training.

Impact is one of the CASE scheme’s main criteria. Applications must demonstrate the potential for societal or economic impact through collaboration with the CASE partner and the provision of high quality training in research skills. Further information regarding impact can be found on the RCUK website – external link.
NERC provide funding for CASE studentships through two funding routes:
– the annual Industrial CASE Studentship competition; and
– permitting institutions awarded funding for NERC studentships to award a number of these studentships as CASE studentships.

Please note: The eligibility of an organisation to act as a CASE partner will depend on the route through which the studentship is funded; see the Eligibility section below.
NERC require the CASE partner to supplement the studentship by paying at least £1000 per year to the lead Research Organisation for the duration of the studentship, and to meet the extra expenses incurred by students visiting and working in their establishments. They are also expected to contribute in cash or in kind towards necessary materials.

The student must spend between three and eighteen months in total with their CASE partner in a workplace outside the academic environment. These requirements apply to all CASE studentships regardless of their funding route.

Specific eligibility criteria can be found in the individual call guidance and Announcement of Opportunity documents for each funding opportunity. General eligibility rules with regard to CASE partners apply to different funding routes as follows:
Industrial CASE Studentship Competition
In most instances, organisations eligible for Research Council funding – external link cannot act as a CASE partner. This includes NERC research centres (BAS, BGS, CEH, NCAS, NCEO, NOC). Any exceptions to this rule will be detailed in the ‘Applicant guidance’ document published with the most recent call for proposals.

How To Apply

See guidance notes for how to apply details
Natural Environment Research Council
Polaris House, North Star Avenue
Swindon, SN2 1EU

Tel: 01793 411792

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