
Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Postgraduate Scholarships

  • All East Midlands, EnglandAll East Midlands, England


The Fund has been established since 1961 and provides awards to individuals in pursuit of postgraduate studies or other training programmes at local or overseas institutions.

Applications must be supported by a person in a competent position who is required to certify the candidate’s academic and professional achievement and leadership qualities. Candidates should have resided in Hong Kong for at least five years.

Value of Awards
The amount of awards will vary depending on the nature of the programmes and may not necessarily cover full expenses. Recipients are required to return and work in Hong Kong for at least three years after completion of the proposed study or training.

How To Apply

During the application period, application forms can be downloaded at or obtained from the Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Committee Secretariat at 34/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Completed applications must be returned to the same address.

Please contact the Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Committee Secretariat at telephone number 3718 6888 for details.
Enquiries should be made to the Secretary of the Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Committee at 34/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, or at telephone number 3718 6888, or by email to

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