
PG Cert Applied Mental Health Practice

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGCert: Full time normally over 4 months. Part time normally over 6 months.

Masters Degree Description

The PG Cert Applied Mental Health Practice Programme is a dynamic and well-regarded course which has been designed to enable suitably qualified and experienced practitioners to demonstrate that they are competent to undertake the statutory role of the Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP).

This course ensures that candidates are trained and assessed to the highest of standards, through strong partnerships with a range of key stakeholders including AMHPs, AMHP trainees, Trust and Local Authority representatives and people with lived experience. Local Authorities are centrally involved in the course design, delivery and management in order to ensure that their responsibilities under legislation are addressed and the training course remains fit-for-purpose.

Entry Requirements

A professional qualification and full registration (with the respective regulatory body) as a social worker, mental health or learning disability nurse, occupational therapist or psychologist.

Evidence of completing a relevant post-qualifying course at masters level (level 7).

Completion of the university’s Pre-AMHP Foundation course.

Post-qualifying practical experience working in either full or part-time capacity in a statutory mental health setting for two years or more. Candidates in connected areas such as Adult Social Care with relevant mental health experience can also be considered for the course.

Employment on either full or part time basis is normally required, together with financial and personal support from the employing authority.

Support from a Local Authority/ Trust who will offer a statutory placement in a mental health setting which will provide the relevant experience to achieve the module learning outcomes and who will also provide a suitably qualified and experienced AMHP Practice Learning Educator. A document signed by the AMHP lead/ manager advising as such will need to be included with the application.

Experience of shadowing at least 5 Mental Health Act Assessments (3 if candidates are based within a mental health team) prior to the start of the programme – a brief 500-1000 word reflective summary of which will also need to be included with the application.

The candidate will need to confirm they are in agreement for information about their grades, attendance and performance to be shared by the University with the employing authority, the AMHP lead and their AMHP Practice Learning Educator.

A successful University interview is also necessary.

On placement, trainee AMHPs will necessarily undertake work with vulnerable adults and children. Where students are employed by a Local Authority or Trust, given their own robust processes, the University is satisfied that an up-to-date enhanced DBS check will be in place. Where applicants/ students are self employed or not employed by a Local Authority or Trust, however, DBS and Occupational Health clearances, by the University, will be required before commencing any placement activity.

The programme is subject to the University's Principles, Policies and Regulations for the Admission of Students to Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes (in UPR SA03), along with associated procedures.  These will take account of University policies and guidelines for assessing accredited prior certificated learning (APCL) and accredited prior experiential learning (APEL).

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

The University of Hertfordshire offer a range of tuition fee discounts and non-repayable scholarships to support our postgraduate students, visit website to find out more.

Student Destinations

The course aims to enable suitably qualified and experienced pracitioners to demonstrate that they are competent to undertake the statutory role of the AMHP under the Mental Health Act 1983, and to do so in a safe and effective way.

It aims to ensure that practitioners meet the regulatory criteria set out in Section 2 of the Social Work England’s (SWE’s) Education and Training – Approved Mental Health Professionals Guidance, which sets out the approval criteria for AMHP courses, ensuring that professionals meet the key areas of competence within Schedule 2 of the MHA Regulations 2008.

Module Details

Please visit website for module details.

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