
MA Education (Special Educational Needs)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 3 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Its modular structure allows you to personalise your choice of units and progress at a pace that best suits you, with a final phase focused on educational research via a dissertation.

The course engages you with key issues in education and aims to encourage your evidence-based practice, supporting you to make direct and meaningful connections between your studies and your own experiences and aspirations.

You broaden your knowledge of educational ideas and research findings, as you identify and justify recommendations for further action, placing you in a better position to develop as a classroom practitioner or school leader.

Why choose this course?

  • It is part-time with blended learning (face-to-face sessions as well as online support and activities) which supports you to work around your other commitments
  • Take the opportunity to engage in structured and supported distance learning through two optional units focusing on behavioural and literacy difficulties
  • Benefit from assessments based around needs specific to your role in your educational organisation
  • Explore the process of teaching, learning support and/or educational leadership, focusing on personal, academic and vocational interests relevant to your educational context
  • Gain from undertaking primary research that informs your current practice and gives you the skills to engage in future research
  • Study a Master’s that provides a clear progression route following completion of your initial teacher education (ITE) course; develops both you and the organisation within which you work; and could be used as the basis for further study at Doctoral level (PhD and EdD).

Entry Requirements

UK applicants should have a good undergraduate degree at Honours level, or equivalent.

EU/International applicants please visit website for details.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

There are numerous sources of funding available for postgraduate students, both from external sources such as the Government and from the University.

Student Destinations

This Master’s qualification will enhance your chances for promotion and for employment in other contexts. Master’s study supports promotion to senior positions in the field of education.

As a Master’s graduate, therefore, you will have the confidence, knowledge and critical skills to prepare and present a strong application to senior posts in the field of education.

Module Details

For module details please see here

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