
Using ceramics to explore femininity and my Indian heritage as a Master’s student at Cardiff Met


I was encouraged by my mentors, Élodie Alexandre and Reyaz Badaruddin, who are Cardiff CSAD alums and founders of Atelier Lālmitti, to pursue my studies at Cardiff School of Art & Design in Wales.

Despite having a successful position in visual design in India, I decided to participate in their one-year mentorship programme in 2019 to focus fully on Ceramics. Under their guidance, I explored various materials and techniques to refine my art practice. My research interests include narrative imagery, feminism, phenomenology, and semiotics, and I was excited to engage in critical dialogue through the MA Ceramics & Maker course at Cardiff School of Art & Design.

As an international student from India, applying to CSAD presented some challenges with my application process. However, with the support and guidance of Dr Fiaz Hussain, Associate Dean CSAD, the Immigration Compliance team at Cardiff Met, and Dr Natasha Mayo, Pathway Leader MA Ceramics & Maker, my journey to Cardiff was made much easier.

My practice-based research has enabled me to analyse the value at each stage, drawing on both practical and theoretical knowledge from the broader field of contemporary ceramics and maker culture. By collaborating with individuals with diverse perspectives on the subject, I have been able to create work that speaks to a range of audiences. Working alongside them has provided me with valuable insight into the intersectionality of feminism and ceramics.

The top-notch facilities and expert staff & technicians in this programme provided me with an opportunity to expand my knowledge in ceramics, philosophy, sociology, and cultural studies. I also had the chance to experiment with emerging processes such as digital design and new technologies. I was optimistic that this programme would allow me to combine my skills in visual design, research, and craft. This year has been fruitful for my practice.

I would like to encourage prospective students who are considering studying in Wales to take the leap and pursue their dreams. Based on my own experience, Cardiff School of Art & Design at Cardiff Met offers excellent education and a vibrant student life, just as my mentors had described. The rich cultural heritage of Wales will contribute to a unique and memorable adventure.

Learn more about the MA Ceramics & Maker at Cardiff Met


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