
1851 Royal Commission Industrial Fellowships

  • DeadlineDeadline: 17 January 2023
  • London, All EnglandLondon, All England


Do you have 3 years or less post-doctoral research experience and want to conduct innovative research of your own instigation?

1851 Research Fellowships are intended to give early career scientists or engineers of exceptional promise the opportunity to conduct a research project of their own instigation; an ultimate objective is to contribute to the knowledge base required for a healthy and innovative national culture.  Around eight awards are made each year.

From 2021 there will be a separate competition for researchers in the core subjects of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Aeronautical Engineering submitting applications which address the primary infrastructure needs of modern society: the buildings we live and work in, transportation of many forms and the machinery and plant which supply our energy needs. Those interested in this award should see the Brunel Fellowship. Pure and applied scientists, as well as engineers of any discipline proposing research outside the constraints of the Brunel award, should apply for consideration for a Science and Engineering Research Fellowship.

Fellowships are held from 1 October in the year of award, offers cannot be deferred to later years.

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