
The Carnegie PhD Scholarships fund postgraduate research leading to a PhD at an eligible institution in Scotland.

Candidates must have, or be on track to achieve, a first class Honours undergraduate degree from a Scottish institution of higher education.

The scheme is open to students of any nationality who meet the above criterion.

Key Facts

  • Career stage: Postgraduate research (PhD)
  • Host organisation: One of the 15 Scottish universities, Glasgow School of Art, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
  • Funding awarded: Stipend for living expenses, UK home-rate tuition fees and research allowance
  • Duration of award (full time study): 36 months standard, 42 months in specific cases
  • Duration of award (part time study):72 months standard, 84 months n specific cases
  • Number of awards each year: 12-15 PhD Scholarships


Graduates of Scottish Universities only.

How To Apply

The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,
Andrew Carnegie House,
Pittencrieff Street,
KY12 8AW

01383 724990

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