The EST provides grants to students and others at the early stages of their forestry or arboricultural careers. Educational grants are awarded in the following categories.
EST Annual Travel Bursary
This is the Trust’s flagship award of £500. ICF is looking for high quality proposals which demonstrate that the proposed travel will make a substantial contribution to the applicant’s professional development.
EST Professional Development Awards
This is a discretionary award of any amount for a high quality proposal from an applicant that the Trustees believe as being likely to make a real contribution to an applicant’s professional development.
EST Events Bursary
Several awards of £100 will be made available for attending the ICF National Conference or Study Tour. The number of awards to be made will be agreed by the Trustees annually. The awards will be made to the applicants who, in the Trustee’s opinion, make the best case. Applications are considered twice a year, and should be received at the latest by 1 June and 31 December for consideration by the group of Trustees. Grantees may be asked to report on their experience for Chartered Forester magazine.
For further information and an application form apply to the Secretary of the Institute of Chartered Foresters (see website Enquiry Form).
The Institute of Chartered Foresters
59 George Street
Edinburgh EH2 2JG
United Kingdom
Tel: 0131 240 1425
Fax: 0131 240 1424