Krebs Memorial Scholarship

  • DeadlineDeadline: See website
  • All East Midlands, EnglandAll East Midlands, England


Due to the uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic the Society has decided not to open the scholarship for applications in 2020, we hope to reopen them for 2021.

An appeal was launched at the Biochemical Society’s meeting in December 1982 to commemorate the life and work of Sir Hans Krebs, FRS, by instituting a postgraduate (PhD) scholarship in biochemistry or an allied biomedical science, tenable at any British university. The generous response of many of Sir Hans’ pupils, colleagues and admirers in many countries has provided sufficient funds to allow a scholarship to be awarded in alternate years.
The scholarship is primarily intended to be a mark of exceptional academic distinction and recognition of outstanding promise; it is not a means of ‘topping up’ grants already received from other sources.

What does the scholarship cover?
There are no restrictions on nationality. It will cover fees at the home and EU student’s rate, and maintenance; (non-EU) overseas students will therefore need to find the balance of fees from other sources. Financial contribution from the host university will be looked upon favourably. Currently the scholarship is worth £18,500 per academic year.

Length of scholarship
The scholarship will be awarded for 1 year in the first instance but may be renewed up to a maximum tenure of 3 years. Where the scholarship is renewed to the current holder, it will not become available to new applicants until that tenure has come to an end.

University place
Applicants will be expected to have made prior arrangements with the university at which they intend to hold the award. The application should be forwarded through the Head of Department concerned who must be able to place the candidate in the top 5% of PhD candidates.

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