McGlashan Charitable Trust

  • DeadlineDeadline: 31st May 2023
  • All East Midlands, EnglandAll East Midlands, England


The McGlashan Charitable Trust provides a number of grants of around £500-£1,500 each year for postgraduate study.
Grants are decided in early July and applicants advised by mid-July.

Guidelines and Criteria
Applications are considered from individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • under 30 at the start of the period of study relating to the application
  • applying for postgraduate study onlyborn in Scotland and studying, or planning to study, in Scotland or abroad OR ii) born elsewhere and currently studying, or planning to study, in Scotland

Applications to be made on the appropriate form, fully completed and providing the additional material requested. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged


Application to be submitted by email by the 31 May deadline (late applications will not be considered). Applicants notified of decisions on grants in early July

Further information

Where requisite qualifications, or course offer, are yet to be confirmed, a conditional grant might be offered
successful candidates are required to notify the Trust should the circumstances of the purpose of their grant change significantly. That would not necessarily result in withdrawal of the grant. the Trustees request a report on progress of study, at the end of the term of a grant.

Download an application form from the website

The Administrator, Gordon Armour
66 Octavia Terrace,
PA16 7PY

Find out more and apply

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