
MSc Courses at the School of Biological and Marine Sciences - funding options available

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MSc Courses at the School of Biological and Marine Sciences

Why study at the University of Plymouth?

At the heart of our teaching philosophy is the desire to give you programmes that are driven by research-informed teaching and are at the leading edge in their fields. We want you to be hands-on with as much of our equipment as possible, to develop skills as well as knowledge. If you aren’t in the lecture theatre or the lab, you may well be in the field – we are lucky to have a location that supports our field-based programmes. If you are not on a field-based programme, you will still find the sea, the moors and the city to be very beneficial for social and leisure activities.

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If you would like to attend any of our Open Days, meet staff and explore campus, please visit the webpage.

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Funding Options

Here at the University of Plymouth, we understand that funding may be a big part of your decision to go forward with Postgraduate Study. If you studied your undergraduate degree at Plymouth, you may be eligible for a fee discount if you complete your postgraduate studies here as well.

  • 20% discount on tuition fees for home students
  • £2,000 discount on tuition fees for international students

We also offer several scholarships for international students who wish to study postgraduate taught (PGT) degree programmes.

To find out more about fees and funding, please visit the website.


The University of Plymouth is underpinned by access to a fully-equipped fleet of boats, the latest instrumentation, specialist software and, from 2014-15, a new £4.65 million Marine Station that will provide a base for fieldwork.

Pride of place in our fleet goes to RV Falcon Spirit, a 15 metre catamaran which is used, along with smaller boats, for group practicals and individual project work spanning collection of seabed and water samples and acquisition of hydrographic survey and oceanographic datasets.

Our instrumentation includes the latest oceanographic and hydrographic survey sensors (including an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, Multi-Beam Echo-Sounder, and towed undulating Conductivity-Temperature-depth system), an automatic weather station and specialist software for data analysis and visualisation.


The University boasts strong links with numerous employers which have lead to some of our students getting placements and graduate employment. Some of these links include: Paignton Zoo, Wild Planet Trust, National Marine Aquarium, Marine Biological Association, Fugro and many more.

View the courses available in the School of Biological and Marine Sciences, including details of how to apply here

Who is eligible to apply?

UK, EU and International applicants.

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