The Mathematical Research Centre conducts world-class research in the following areas: Algebra, Analysis, Operator Algebras, Algebraic Topology, Topological Data Analysis, PDEs, Survival Analysis, Bayesian Networks, Data Analytics and Operational Research. It maintains vibrant international links with a large number of researchers around the globe and regularly hosts international conferences and research visitors.
The focus of the PhD is to carry out research under the guidance of your supervisor. Over the course of study you can attend postgraduate skills training organised by the Graduate School. You will normally register, in the first instance, as an ‘undifferentiated PhD student’ which means that you have satisfied staff that you are capable of undertaking a research degree. The decision as to whether you should undertake an MPhil or a PhD is delayed until you have completed ‘differentiation’. Differentiation takes place about 9-12 months after registration for full time students and about 18-30 months for part-time students. You are normally asked to submit work to a panel of up to two academics and this is followed up with a formal meeting with ‘Differentiation Panel’. The Panel then make a judgement about your capacity to continue with your study. Sometimes students are advised to revise their research objectives or to consider submitting their work for an MPhil qualification rather than a doctoral qualification. To complete with a doctoral qualification you will be required to submit a thesis of original and novel research and you will be required to attend a viva voce (oral examination) with an external and internal examiner to defend your thesis.
The minimum academic requirement for admission to a research degree programme is normally an Upper Second Class Honours degree from a UK or ROI HE provider, or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University. Further information can be obtained by contacting the School.
For information on international qualification equivalents, please check the specific information for your country.
This programme is self-funded.