
Primary Education PGCE – train to be a primary school teacher in just one year

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Primary Education PGCE

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About the University of Sunderland

Located in the north-east of England, Sunderland benefits from the perfect combination of city and seaside living and is a friendly, diverse, and affordable place to live and study.

Our courses are career-focused and professions-facing, ensuring you have a head start in the workplace when you graduate. Many of our courses are co-designed by employers, affiliated to professional bodies and our lecturers are closely linked to their sectors. We also offer postgraduate conversion courses that enable you to start on a new career.

We’re pleased to be placed within the top 50 UK universities in The Guardian University Guide 2023. We are proud to be recognised for the first time as a World Ranked University by The Times Higher Education World Rankings 2023.

Primary Education PGCE


The PGCE Primary Education will qualify you to teach at primary level in any state-maintained school in England and Wales.

This one year PGCE teaching course blends theoretical knowledge with carefully supervised teaching experience. You will attend placements in a variety of school settings to gain a broad understanding of being a primary school teacher.

Why us?

  • The University of Sunderland has partnerships with over 650 schools, colleges and other educational establishments across the North East and beyond
  • All qualified teachers will have a starting salary of at least £28,000, and this will be higher for teachers working in London


The School of Education is based in Wearside View, one of our recently renovated buildings at the Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter’s. Wearside View features a number of spacious classrooms for teaching and learning, as well as a newly refurbished social space with its own balcony.

The Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter’s is positioned right next to Sunderland’s scenic riverside, and is just a short distance from both the city centre and beaches. The campus benefits from a variety of brilliant facilities, including its own library, IT resources, and several eating and drinking options.

Start Dates

There are two intakes for this course – September 2023 and January 2024. Please visit our website for more details.

Career ready

This degree awards Qualified Teacher Status, which means that when you graduate you’ll be qualified to teach in any state-maintained primary school in England and Wales. Most graduates from this course go on to become a primary school teacher.

Good teachers area always in high demand. All qualified teachers will have a starting salary of at least £28,000, and this will be higher for teachers working in London. The amount you earn will then increase until you reach the top end of your pay scale, after which you can choose to progress into more senior roles, such as leading practitioner or head teacher.

The teachers’ pension scheme is also one of the most generous public sector pension schemes in the UK, one of the few guaranteed by the Government.

Find out more about the course, funding options, school placements and career outcomes.

Who is eligible to apply?

Visit our website to find out about funding for teacher training courses.

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