Strathclyde Business School is highly rated for its research. Based on the REF (Research Excellence Framework) 2014 GPA scores, the Times Higher Education ranked us first in Scotland and in the top 10 business schools in the UK for its research. Based on the REF’s GPA scores, the Times Higher Education also ranked us 3rd in the UK for Impact of our business research, a measure of how the research impacts on practise in business. The Business School also did exceptionally well in terms of the REF’s assessment of our research environment, rating us as in the top tier for Environment amongst UK business schools, with a 100% 4* rating. The REF is a Government-led benchmarking exercise measuring the quality of research in higher education institutions and these latest results show Strathclyde Business School as being strong overall in its research.
The Strathclyde Doctoral School brings together postgraduate research students from the variety of disciplines within Strathclyde Business School. PhDs and MPhils are offered in all Strathclyde Business School’s departments.
We have a number of research areas:
Accounting & Finance
Management Science
Work, Employment and Organisation
We also offer a number of funded and unfunded opportunities – please see our website for further information
Strathclyde DBA
The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a research degree designed to develop business professionals skilled in solving business problems. Your focus will be on applying academic theories, methods and models to solve problems of practice. Research projects undertaken during the DBA programme aim to understand and explore how organisations work and how management is practised.
Get in touch
Visit our website, email: or telephone: +44(0)141 553 6105/4590.
UK/EU and International students.
Founded in 1948, Strathclyde Business School (SBS) is an enterprising, pioneering institution of global standing. We engage business minds, ...