Sainsbury Management Fellowships

  • DeadlineDeadline: Please visist website for details
  • All East Midlands, EnglandAll East Midlands, England


The Sainsbury Management Fellowship Scheme funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, enables engineers of high career potential to undertake full time MBA courses at major international business schools. Since 1987, the scheme has supported more than 300 engineers.

The overall objective of the scheme is to improve the economic performance of UK engineering, manufacturing and construction businesses by providing a resource of highly-motivated engineers who have complemented their technical qualifications and skills with a first-class business education in an international environment.
A Sainsbury Management Fellowship is a prestigious award; it is expected that award holders will go on to become senior managers and leaders in UK industry and make a major contribution to the economic prosperity of the nation.

Nature of the award
Each Fellowship has a financial value of £50,000 to cover tuition fee. Fellowships are tenable for full time MBA study at a number eligible business schools in North America and Europe.

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