
Social Work Bursaries

  • DeadlineDeadline: 1st November
  • North East, All EnglandNorth East, All England


Postgraduate social work students can apply for a bursary to help them with their living costs.

If you’re eligible for a bursary we’ll also pay a contribution of £4,052 towards your tuition fees in the 2020/21 academic year.

A postgraduate social work bursary is:

  • awarded to eligible students
  • available to both part-time and full-time students
  • a grant not a loan
  • made up of a non-means tested basic grant and a means-tested maintenance grant

When to apply

If you’re due to start or continue your studies in September or October 2020/21, you should ideally send your Social Work Bursary application form to us by 31 August 2020 to guarantee payment for September.

The final application deadline for all 2020/21 Social Work Bursary applications is 1 November 2020.

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