
Changing how the world works - My Postgraduate Student Journey

My name is Elizabeth Odususi. I came to Birmingham for an MSc in Advanced Chemical Engineering with Formulation, following my undergraduate studies in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Lagos. My journey as a postgraduate student at the University of Birmingham has been a transformative experience. My perspective on the definitions of aspirations and goals has been re-defined, and I have realized every career has a significant role in changing how the world works.


I have always been passionate about innovatively enhancing people’s lives, and coming here to the university has given me a platform to harness this possibility beyond the sphere of my course. Apart from being made aware of technical innovations in formulation, being immersed in a diverse community has broadened my perspective and challenged my thinking, shaping me into a more empathetic and culturally aware individual.

My goal in coming here was to learn about optimal chemical engineering solutions to improve the quality and safety of food and drinks on the market and learn more about the water-energy-food nexus. Every class and coursework have birthed a new skill and made me think of novel developments and processing paradigms beyond current trends. I have embraced setbacks and channelled them as a platform to progress unrelentingly. I aspire to build on the knowledge gained about food microstructure, big data, and project management to continue my journey of engineering more resilient food systems.

Currently, alongside my academic developments, I am participating in the Masters-based Campus Internship, where I am tasked with creatively applying classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios. The task involves assessing risks, considering global practices, and the feasibility of implementing them in diverse regions. It has been a distinctive platform for cultivating practical skills and contributing actively to meaningful projects. I am in line with exercising my potential to positively impact the global population and contribute to the transformation of systems worldwide. Within the platform presented by a forward-thinking company like Severn Trent, dedicated to perpetually improving the quality of their products and services, I plan to further progress and develop more experience in transforming the world.

As an international student here at the University of Birmingham, the dynamic social atmosphere of the university has been very welcoming. I get to connect with students and staff and plan various events for both international and home PGT students as a UGS Scholar and Postgraduate Ambassador. I have found it easy to communicate and make new friends with similar interests through societies available at the Guild of Students. The diverse nature of the university has helped me develop socially, academically, and professionally.

As I continue my journey as a postgraduate student, I am eager to dedicate my time, embrace the challenges to come with my dissertation and seize opportunities to drive positive change. I believe together, with the power of education, we can harness innovation, and effective collaboration to create a brighter, more sustainable future for everyone worldwide.

Want to study at a global top 100 university? Discover postgraduate study at Birmingham and how our research is changing how the world works.

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