
Meet our Masters students: Jordan Barnhart – MSc Marketing


MSc Marketing graduate, Jordan Barnhart, discusses how a Masters degree at Edinburgh Napier University helped her secure a dream career.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

My name is Jordan Barnhart, I graduated from my Masters at Edinburgh Napier in MSc Marketing and I now work at Union, the creative advertising agency in Edinburgh.

What were you doing before your Masters?

I started my first year of my undergraduate degree at The University of South Dakota, and then I came to Edinburgh Napier in my second year for a six month abroad program. I met some amazing friends and I would come back and visit all the time, twice a year until I graduated in 2017. I knew I want to live back in Edinburgh so I took the opportunity and came back to do a Masters. It was an 18-month program, so it was nice to come back to Edinburgh Napier with a sense of having been here before, even if just for a short time, I really enjoyed it.

What was your favourite experience from your Master’s?

I thought the collaborative and diverse approach with a lot of people on my course was great. I really liked that. I also have so many memories. I look back at my time at Napier and I just think, “that was just the best time ever”.

What opportunities did a Masters open for you?

I think that my Masters at Edinburgh Napier was a really good stepping point into a career, because it allowed me to really focus on finding the things that I enjoy doing. I had some really good lecturers and advisers, specifically for my dissertation and there was a lot of networking opportunities too.

What advice would you give to someone who’s considering a Masters?

I’m really passionate about telling my story to international students wanting to do a Masters because it’s not impossible. It may seem like there’s a lot of things you have to jump through, like student loans and all that, but just do it. Just go for it.

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