HetSys is an EPSRC-supported Centre for Doctoral Training. It recruits enthusiastic students from across the physical sciences who enjoy using their mathematical skills and thinking flexibly to solve complex problems.
By developing these skills, HetSys will train you to challenge current state-of-the-art in computational modelling of heterogeneous, ‘real world’ systems across a range of research themes such as nanoscale devices, new catalysts, superalloys, smart fluids, laser-plasma interactions etc.
The HetSys training programme addresses three key training needs:
CDT trainingLink opens in a new window will run throughout the four-year PhD programme with all aspects designed to meet the three key training needs above, and to develop transferable skills. You will be recruited directly onto a project and will have a supervisor from the start of the course, as well as a second supervisor in a related area and a cohort mentor for academic and pastoral advice. In projects with industry links there will often also be an industry co-supervisor.
Please visit the PhD in Modelling of Heterogeneous Systems website
2:i honours degree at BSc or an integrated Master’s degree (e.g. MPhys, MChem, MSci, MEng etc.) in a physical sciences, mathematics or engineering discipline.
This programme is self-funded
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